
View the Project on GitHub spease/serde_lvm


A library that provides serde-enabled LabVIEW LVM data structures, and can parse them from the LVM data format.

While serialization back to LVM is not currently supported, you can serialize to other serde formats.

Getting Started

extern crate serde_lvm;

fn main() {
  let lvm_reader = std::fs::File::open("my.lvm").unwrap();
  let lvm_data = serde_lvm::from_reader(lvm_reader).unwrap();

  // ...


This library is very much in alpha or beta at best, as I have very limited LVM examples to test with. Certain functionality, eg proper handling of escape sequences, is not supported yet.

If you find a bug or other deficiency, please open an issue. Pull Requests are also welcome.